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概要 /Overview

亀山トリエンナーレ(かめやまトリエンナーレ、Kameyama Triennale)は、三重県亀山市で開催されている現代美術の祭典。芸術文化の振興と街の活性化が狙い。新人作家の発掘や国際交流の促進に力点が置かれている。亀山トリエンナーレの前身は、2008年から2013年まで毎年 開催された「アート亀山」。

2014年以降は、三年ごとのトリエ ンナーレ形式での開催。これまでに参加したアーティストの総数は「アート亀山」時代を含めて600名以上。展示会場は、市内の商店街の他、旧東海道沿いに点在する豪商の旧家跡、武家屋敷、神社仏閣など。展示作品は、インスタレーション、 映像、立体、平面、パフォーマンス、ワークショップなどと幅広い。

2017年に開催された「亀山トリエンナーレ2017」には国内 外から101組のアーティストが、また2022年10月30日から11月19日まで開催された「亀山トリエンナーレ2022」には93組の作家が参加。いずれのトリエンナーレも週末を中心に多くの観客が訪れた。



亀山トリエンナーレ実行委員会は、地元在住の作家や芸術系の教員、商店店主など市民によって運営されている。監修者は、三重県立美術館長や横浜トリエンナーレ2005の事務局長などを務めた井上 隆邦氏。次回の亀山トリエンナーレの開催日程は、2024年10月27日から11月16日まで。

The Kameyama Triennale is a contemporary art festival which is held in Kameyama City, Mie Prefecture. The purpose of this festival is to promote arts culture and revitalize the city. The key points are discovering new artists and promoting international exchange. Kameyama Triennale is a festival evolved from  "Art Kameyama" which was held from 2008 to 2013,and since 2014,it has been held in triennale  format once every three years.

 Since 2014, it has been held every three years, so therefore:Triennale. The total number of artists who have participated so far is more than 600, including the period of "Art Kameyama". The exhibition venues are, in addition to the shopping streets in the city, include the ruins of the old houses of wealthy merchants, samurai residences, shrines and temples scattered along the old Tokaido. The Exhibits are wide-ranging, including installations, videos, sculptures, 2D Art, performances, and workshops. “The Kameyama Triennale 2017” , which was held in 2017, succeeded in featuring 101 groups of artists from Japan and abroad. Also the Kameyama Triennale 2022, held from October 30 to November 19, 2022, succeeded in featuring 93 groups of artists. Both events were visited by a large number of people, mainly on weekends. However, due to the covid-19, "Kameyama Triennale 2020" was postponed for two years and was held as the"Kameyama Triennale 2022". At the Kameyama Triennale 2022, in addition to exhibitions by participating artists, a lecture was given by Fumio Nanjo, Special Advisor of the Mori Art Museum, and award-winning films from the Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival were screened. The Kameyama Triennale Award, which recognizes outstanding artists, and the Encouragement Award are some of the features of this festival.

The supervisor is Mr. Takakuni Inoue, who served as director of the Mie Prefectural Museum of Art and secretary general of the Yokohama Triennale 2005. The next Kameyama Triennale will be held from 27 October to 16 November 2024.


亀山トリエンナーレ 実行委員会

亀山市、亀山市東町商店街振興組合、( 公財 ) 亀山市地域社会振興会、

亀山商工会議所、( 一社 ) 亀山市観光協会

監  修

主  催 



事務局住所 〒519-0137 三重県亀山市阿野田町1060

事務局長 森敏子

mail artkameyama@gmail.com 電話番号 0595-82-4125



mail bunka@city.kameyama.mie.jp 電話番号 0595-96-1223